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We are pleased to announce that on July 13, 2022, the Council for Academic Degrees in the disciplines of chemical sciences, chemical engineering, food and nutrition adopted a resolution on awarding the academic degree of habilitated doctor to dr Jakub Surmacki in the field of exact and natural sciences in the discipline of chemical sciences.The basis for his scientific achievement was a series of thematically related 10 full-text articles published in 2013-2021 in peer-reviewed journals of international scope from the JSR list under the common title: "Raman spectroscopy and imaging in biomedical research: from ex-vivo to in-vitro".

W dniach 14-16 października odbyła się Międzynarodowa Warszawska Wystawa Wynalazków IWIS, na której nasz zespół zdobył Medal platynowy oraz Nagrodę specjalną!
więcej informacji >>>IWIS<<<
Ladies and gentlemen,
We would like to cordially invite you to participate in the international seminar:
„Applications of Raman/FTIR imaging and spectroscopy, AFM, SNOM microscopyin scientificresearch, medicine and industry”
on 24-28.06.2019 at the Laboratory of Laser Molecular Spectroscopy (LLSM) of the Lodz University of Technology.
more informations >>> INFO <<<
"Quick and safe method of cancer diagnosis"
Article on the commercially-available innovative method of optical biopsy and virtual histopathological analysis based on Raman scattered light measurements, designed in our laboratory.
full article >>>ZDROWIE.DZIENNIK.PL<<<
In 13th of December there will be a Christmas Open Door event in our Laboratory.
Our guests will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the Laboratory offer, ask bothering questions, and get Santa gifts!
Prof. Halina Abramczyk and mgr Anna Imiela gave a lecture on "Application of Raman spectroscopy in the analysis of CNS tumors" at the Scientific Meeting of the Lodz Branch of the Polish Society of Neurosurgeons " on 17.10.2018.
19. 09.2018r dr hab. inż. Beata Brożek- Płuska oraz dr Monika Kopeć has the opportunity to measure some samples in Bruker headquater in Berlin, Germany.
During "9th PULS Conference on Pulse Investigations in Chemistry, Phisics, and Biology" on 2-7.09.2018 in Łódź results of their research were presended by: - dr hab. inż Beata Brożek-Płuska: oral presentation "Pump-probe femtosecond spectroscopy and high resolution Raman imaging of human digestive tract", -dr Arkadiusz Jarota: oral presentation "Ultrafast dynamics of diarylethene derivative" and poster "Liquid water splitting by focused femtosecond laser pulse"
Dr Monika Kopeć defended her PhD thesis "Raman imaging of tumorous tissue and tumorous and normal cell lines".
Prof. Halina Abramczyk gave a lecture The Biochemical, Nanomechanical and Chemometric Signatures of Brain, Breast and Intestine Cancers at Advanced Techniques of Vibrational Spectroscopy Seminar held in Kraków (Poland) on June 21th-22th. During conference dr Beata Brożek-Płuska presented a poster.
Dr hab. inż Beata Brożek-Płuska gave a lecture at the SPEC 2018 held in Glasgow on June 10th-15th:
Histochemical analysis of human tissue samples -protocols discussion: Beata Brozek-Pluska, Monika Kopec, Jakub Surmacki, Halina Abramczyk
Polish Fulbright Alumni Association, whose president is prof. Halina Abramczyk initiated the campaign: “Science for 100 years of the Independence of Poland. Fulbrighters for the future Fulbrighters” As part of this action, Fulbrighters invites students from primary and secondary schools to their workplace to talk about their experiences and the impact of the Fulbright Scholarships on their future development. As part of this program, Polish Fulbright Alumni Association organized a demonstration in our Laboratory!
more info >>>> www.fulbright.org.pl <<<<


University of Coimbra
On May 13-27, prof. Rui Fausto from the University of Coimbra (Portugal), specialist in the field of cryo- and bio-spectroscopy, and editor-in-chief of Journal of Molecular Structure was a guest of the Faculty of Chemistry. The professor gave a series of lectures for students and PhD students of the Lodz University of Technology.
CV prof. Fausto
Dr Jakub Surmacki presented results from Cambridge University/VisionLab at SPIE Photonics West; BiOS, LASE and OPTO; San Francisco 2018). He gave a speech tilted: „Application of confocal Raman micro-spectroscopy for label-free monitoring of oxidative stress in living bronchial cells” (paper no: 10490-1).
In 13th of December there was a Christmas Open Door event in our Laboratory.
Our guests had the opportunity to get acquainted with the Laboratory offer, ask bothering questions, and get Santa gifts! |
In 28th of November prof. Małgorzata Lekka from Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences in Karaków visited our University and Laboratory. Professor gave a lecture
„Biomechaniczny marker dystrofii mięśniowej i nowotworów”
In October, dr. Jakub Surmacki finished his postdoc at the University of Cambridge. Published papers: 1. A. Ercole, S. Magnoni, G. Vegliante, R. Pastorelli, J. Surmacki, S.E. Bohndiek, E. R Zanier, Front. Neurol. – Neurotrauma, 2017, 8, 450. 2. J. M. Surmacki, S. E. Bohndiek, Imaging & Microscopy, 20 Jun 2017, 2, 18-19. 3. J. M. Surmacki, L. Ansel-Bollepalli, F. Pischiutta, E. R Zanier, A. Ercole, S. E. Bohndiek, Analyst, 2017, 142, 132-139. 4. J. M. Surmacki, I. Quirós Gonzalez, S. E. Bohndiek, Proc. SPIE 10490, Biomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy 2018: Advances in Research and Industry; 1049002 (2018); doi: 10.1117/12.2289648 5. A. Ercole, S. Magnoni, G. Vegliante, R. Pastorelli, J. Surmacki, S. E. Bohndiek, E. R Zanier. Front. Neurol. – Neurotrauma, 2017, 8, 450. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00450
Prof. Halina Abramczyk gave a plenary lectures during 2 conferences: 1. XIVth International Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy, 3-7.09.2017, Białka Tatrzańska 2. XII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Termografia I Termometria W Podczerwieni, 27-29.09.2017, Ustroń Jaszowiec
15.09.2017 a book "Laryngologia onkologiczna. Diagnostyka. Leczenie. Rehabilitacja" was published, edited by prof. Alicja Morawiec- Sztandera, where prof. Halina Abramczyk is the author of the chapter. |
Dr Arkadiusz Jarota from 19.05 to 15.06 was on scientific internship at the Osaka University, Japan in Prof. Hiroshi Miyasaka Lab. |
Prof. Halina Abramczyk has become a member of National Congress of Science Council
more info >>>INFO<<< |
In January we applied for Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) research grant under Horizon 2020 European Union programme. We submitted a project "Atherosclerosis and Nanoparticles For Health" that will be guided by 8 European Institutions: Lodz University of Technology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, National Science and Research Center "Demokritos" (NCSR) Greece, Universitätsklinikum Aachen, Universite Lille I, University of Silesia , University of Cambridge, Balton sp. z o. o.
In September Prof. Lynn Kamerlin (Uppsala University, Sweden) and Prof. Maria Antonietta Ricci (University of Rome, Italy) vistited our university and gave a lectures during conference „Women in Science” organized by our lab.

prof. Maria Antonietta Ricci

prof. Lynn Kamerlin
Prof. Halina Abramczyk, M. Sc. Monika Kopec and M. Sc. Anna Imiela attended the conference EMLG/JMLG 2016 on 11th-16th September. Prof. Abramczyk gave a talk „Raman imaging, AFM, SNOM: capabilities and challenges for cancer research”, Monika presented poster „The application of Raman imaging in the analysis of biological systems”, and Ania presented poster „Raman mapping in biomedical and biochemical applications comparison to other imaging techniques”.
NANOSMAT conference was held in Aveiro (Portugal). Our team was represented by Dr. Beata Brożek-Płuska who gave a talk „Nanomedicine- identification of cancer tissues by Raman microspectroscopy” |
Prof. Halina Abramczyk gave a talk in International Conference on Porphiryns and Phthalocyanines -9 (ICPP-9) that was held in Shanghai (China) on 3rd-8th July |